In 2011, the mayor of Chevreuse, Claude Genot, asked GRATALOUP for the realization of the stained glass windows of the priory Saint-Saturnin, building dating from the 9th century. The architect Pascal Chovin, friend of the artist for many years, has just completed the restoration.
In collaboration with the Ateliers Loire (Chartres), Grataloup will create three stained glass windows. On this occasion he used a completely new technique in the art of stained glass, consisting in using very little greyness but rather glass collages. This gives lightness to the shapes that are not surrounded by lead. The rendering is thus much more aerial and allows a perfect transparency of light.
Eve, the eternal symbol of the woman, will take her place on one of the windows of the Priory. Her Apple tree faces her, on the opposite wall. The stained glass window of the Hourglass symbolizes the passing of time and the eternity of the moment.
"Glasses and Glues"
The architect, author of the beautiful rehabilitation of the Priory of Chevreuse dating from the 9th century, proposed to me his idea to install stained glass windows in three of the small openings. Traditional stained-glass windows could not withstand the constraints of a large stained-glass window – lead, metal structures and all the safeties – so I immediately considered a new technique. After seeing a variety of practically industrial glasses, I adapted the graphics by cutting and arranging by gluing and, for the color, the greyness adapted. The expression was obvious."

Stained glass - Chevreuse Prioress

Stained glass - Chevreuse Prioress

Stained glass - Chevreuse Prioress

Stained glass - Chevreuse Prioress